Eczema is a big part of why we exist

As you may or may not know, our founder Lani's personal struggle with eczema is the whole reason Simple Sugars exists. So eczema and helping people find all-natural relief from its hellish symptoms is super important to us.
Lani's story is the same as the one we hear so often from our customers. She had eczema since infancy and was frustrated with frequent visits to the dermatologist and countless prescriptions that weren't effective and relief options that were limited to thick, heavy, creams that were barely tolerable, let alone enjoyable to use. She took matters into her own hands and got to work researching and then creating the Simple Sugars product line that not only solved her problem but has helped so many people who struggle with this torturous condition!
We want to help even more eczema sufferers by spreading awareness that treatment options aren't limited to dermatologist prescribed steroid creams and unscented, but still chemical-filled OTC creams and lotions. At Simple Sugars, we're revolutionizing skincare for sensitive skin by telling people with the most sensitive skin that they don't need lotion and they CAN use an all-natural product that smells great.