Ageless skincare. That's what we're about.


Believe it or not, when it comes to skincare, your age is irrelevant!

You know it's part of our mission as a revolutionary skin care company to bust industry myths and man, are we happy to bust the one that says skincare is age dependent. The fact is skincare is ageless! 

If you've called in to Simple Sugars any time since January, you know that Gina, our VP of Everything, is covering the phones. Gina's observed an interesting common denominator when someone calls for a product recommendation - particularly for a facial product. The very first thing everyone says when she asks "tell me about your skin" is, "well, I'm X years-old..."

First of all, that's really not an answer to the request "tell me about your skin!'. Second, guess what? Unless you're less than 6 months old, your age is completely irrelevant when it comes to making a product suggestion that's best for you!

We know you've all seen the "What you need for great skincare in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s..." You've probably even googled something like "best skincare for women in their (choose your decade)." And we're here to tell you it's utter nonsense.

Here's why: there's not an age associated with dry skin, or sensitive skin for that matter. Babies can have it and so can 90 year-olds and every other age in between. There are three main factors that matter when it comes to skincare, two of them have to do with your products and the other one has to do with your lifestyle:

1) Moisturization.

2) Anti-oxidant content to fight free-radical damage.

3) Sun avoidance.

Keeping your skin moisturized is synonymous with great looking healthy skin. The gentle exfoliation our products provide combined with our proprietary blend of super hydrating oils (we're looking at you emu!) results in what might be the most thorough moisturization you can get from a product. No matter your age, you need to moisturize every single day. (Call out: if you're not using your facial daily, you're doing your skin a disservice!) 

Antioxidants are the #1 fighters of free-radical damage which translates to "the signs of aging" and we all know what those are. All the things you don't like when you look in the mirror.

Do babies need anti-oxidants? It sure can't hurt them! And since Botox is a thing for 20-somethings these days (Ugh!) it's definitely never too soon to start feeding your skin daily doses of antioxidants.(Refresher: Vitamin C, polyphenols in Green Tea, flavonols in Pomegranate and Blueberry are all examples - but most of our facials have high-antioxidant content.)

Now the staying-out-of-sun part, well that's up to you. A good sunscreen is a must on the daily.

So let's stop being ageist when it comes to our skin!

P.S. Apologies for the lack of ethnic representation in the illustration above. Turns out the internet doesn't have everything - like a good pic of multiple generations that represents multiple ethnicities as well. I swear I tried. ️